How It Works!


The Planifest web based-app assists you with taking consistent action to help you realize your goals!  It can be used at any time, but as they say “if you win the morning, you win the day!” So we suggest logging on soon after waking.

The Planifest app helps you to get into an optimal mindset through journaling with prompts based on law of attraction principles. You’re then in a prime state to work on your goals, generate ideas and accomplish items on your todo list.

What makes Planifest unique, is that each goal is created with your “why” in mind then it’s linked to your to-do list.  This way you’ll make progress on accomplishing the things that are most important to you! 

Remember, if you get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.  This idea was made popular by James Clear in his book, Atomic Habits.

Other support comes in the form of calendars, notes, projects and more. Users who want additional support can join the Planifest app community for accountability, which you can join here.

The Dashboard: 

When you first enter the app (or website), you get an overview of your daily to-do list, journals, goals, vision board, notes etc.  All sections are click-able.

Note: If the menu is not showing on the right side, click on the three lines in the top right corner, and that will open the menu. 

5 Min Journals

Do this section first, ideally before you begin your day.  It’s to be used daily and at a min. for 21 days to make a perceptible shift in energy.  The idea here is to change your vibrational set-point.  Each section prompt has been carefully selected based on the law of attraction principles to help you get clear about what you want to achieve and help to get you into an optimal mindset for your day.  You can of course do the journaling at any time. 



 Set Your Goals:   

These can be daily, weekly, monthly…. 


Vision Board:

Upload photos from the web or your device.. spend at least 5 mins each day visualizing your goals.



To-do’s List:

Goals then lead into To-do’s. When it comes working on your to-do list, try out the “Eat The Frog” method which is doing the hardest and most uncomfortable task first.  It prevents procrastination when it comes to the harder stuff. Just get the worst done first and you’re coasting for the rest of the day!!

To Learns:

Writing down what you want to learn helps you to take action.


A place to jot down insights and ideas.

Set Goals!

& Achieve Them

Make 2022 Your Year!

Consistency is an under appreciated form of intentional magic disguised as a mundane doing.  Victoria Erickson, Author, Edge of Water


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Motivation does not help to get things done, clarity does!